Genes and genomic regions

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21 genes found.
Gene symbol Chromo-
Coordinates (bp, mm10) Size (bp) Strand Feature Type Gene name
Gm39581 11 12242309 to 12263293 20984 + lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39581
Tssr106921 11 12309732 to 12309746 14 - TSS region transcription start site region 106921
Tssr106922 11 12309760 to 12309771 11 - TSS region transcription start site region 106922
Gm12002 11 12313365 to 12346088 32723 + antisense lncRNA gene predicted gene 12002
Tssr100396 11 12314509 to 12314529 20 + TSS region transcription start site region 100396
Lgaq1 11 12318637 to 68609504 56290867 QTL late growth adjusted QTL 1
Lgq1 11 12318637 to 68609504 56290867 QTL late growth QTL 1
Lmrq4 11 12318637 to 69794121 57475484 QTL Leishmania major resistance QTL 4
Orq2 11 12318637 to 68609504 56290867 QTL ovulation rate QTL 2
Scfq3 11 12318637 to 68609504 56290867 QTL subcutaneous fat pad weight QTL 3
W6q3 11 12318637 to 68609504 56290867 QTL weight 6 weeks QTL 3
Epfq4 11 12318637 to 68609504 56290867 QTL epididymal fat pad weight QTL 4
Kidpq1 11 12318637 to 68609504 56290867 QTL kidney weight percentage QTL 1
Tailq1 11 12318637 to 68609504 56290867 QTL tail length QTL 1
W3q4 11 12318637 to 68609504 56290867 QTL weight 3 weeks QTL 4
Eae44 11 12318637 to 40060013 27741376 QTL experimental allergic encephalomyelitis susceptibility 44
Egq4 11 12318637 to 68609504 56290867 QTL early growth QTL 4
W10q2 11 12318637 to 68609504 56290867 QTL weight 10 weeks QTL 2
D11Mit2 11 12318637 to 12318743 106 DNA segment DNA segment, Chr 11, Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2
Tssr106923 11 12354027 to 12354032 5 - TSS region transcription start site region 106923
Lvrq7 11 118131898 to 12318637 -105813261 QTL liver weight QTL 7