Genes and genomic regions

Find data in MPD that are associated with a particular mouse gene or chromosomal region.

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15 genes found.
Gene symbol Chromo-
Coordinates (bp, mm10) Size (bp) Strand Feature Type Gene name
Gm25143 10 103959543 to 103959651 108 + snRNA gene predicted gene, 25143
Gm47226 10 103986993 to 103987906 913 + lincRNA gene predicted gene, 47226
D10Mit70 10 104073224 to 104073368 144 DNA segment DNA segment, Chr 10, Massachusetts Institute of Technology 70
Uvbi1 10 104073224 to 104073368 144 QTL UVB induced immunosuppression 1
Insq4 10 104073224 to 104073368 144 QTL insulin QTL 4
Gm47227 10 104082225 to 104082341 116 + pseudogene predicted gene, 47227
Gm47228 10 104096323 to 104096761 438 - pseudogene predicted gene, 47228
Tssr99160 10 104127359 to 104127361 2 - TSS region transcription start site region 99160
Gm21293 10 104142987 to 104145427 2440 + protein coding gene predicted gene, 21293
Gm6763 10 104151497 to 104153936 2439 + protein coding gene predicted gene 6763
Gm8764 10 104160006 to 104162444 2438 + protein coding gene predicted gene 8764
Gm21304 10 104168515 to 104170954 2439 + protein coding gene predicted gene, 21304
Gm21312 10 104177024 to 104179491 2467 + protein coding gene predicted gene, 21312
Gm20765 10 104185533 to 104188000 2467 + protein coding gene predicted gene, 20765
Gm4340 10 104194042 to 104196522 2480 + protein coding gene predicted gene 4340