Genes and genomic regions

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20 genes found.
Gene symbol Chromo-
Coordinates (bp, mm10) Size (bp) Strand Feature Type Gene name
Tssr7927 1 88070727 to 88070746 19 + TSS region transcription start site region 7927
Tssr7928 1 88070753 to 88070760 7 + TSS region transcription start site region 7928
Tssr7929 1 88070765 to 88070797 32 + TSS region transcription start site region 7929
Ugt1a9 1 88070800 to 88218997 148197 + protein coding gene UDP glucuronosyltransferase 1 family, polypeptide A9
Tssr7930 1 88070804 to 88070813 9 + TSS region transcription start site region 7930
Tssr7931 1 88073749 to 88073796 47 + TSS region transcription start site region 7931
Tssr7932 1 88087802 to 88087848 46 + TSS region transcription start site region 7932
Ugt1a8 1 88087813 to 88219004 131191 + protein coding gene UDP glucuronosyltransferase 1 family, polypeptide A8
Tssr7933 1 88087852 to 88087867 15 + TSS region transcription start site region 7933
Tssr7934 1 88087871 to 88087881 10 + TSS region transcription start site region 7934
Tssr7935 1 88095003 to 88095010 7 + TSS region transcription start site region 7935
Tssr7936 1 88095054 to 88095088 34 + TSS region transcription start site region 7936
Ugt1a7c 1 88095062 to 88220002 124940 + protein coding gene UDP glucuronosyltransferase 1 family, polypeptide A7C
Tssr7937 1 88095095 to 88095121 26 + TSS region transcription start site region 7937
Tssr7938 1 88095129 to 88095134 5 + TSS region transcription start site region 7938
Tssr7939 1 88095578 to 88095592 14 + TSS region transcription start site region 7939
Gm15373 1 88097918 to 88098131 213 + pseudogene predicted gene 15373
Tssr7940 1 88103229 to 88103249 20 + TSS region transcription start site region 7940
Ugt1a6b 1 88103257 to 88218998 115741 + protein coding gene UDP glucuronosyltransferase 1 family, polypeptide A6B
Tssr7941 1 88106834 to 88106840 6 + TSS region transcription start site region 7941