ITP phenotypes:   body weight     Protandim

Trial code: Prot Dose: 600 ppm then 1200 ppm   initiated at age: 10 mo then 17 mo Sex: f Cohort: C2011
Trial code: Prot Dose: 600 ppm then 1200 ppm   initiated at age: 10 mo then 17 mo Sex: m Cohort: C2011
The plots below show the means with ± SEM error bars


Factor Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
group 1 696.9874 696.9874 4.7769 0.029
time 3 31327.4398 10442.4799 71.5685 < 0.0001
group:time 3 113.0071 37.669 0.2582 0.8555
Residuals 1552 226450.5976 145.9089 NA NA


group time mean SE
Control time_m12 39.0436 0.5318
Control time_m18 42.8495 0.609
Control time_m24 41.7939 0.6595
Control time_m6 31.3862 1.2574
Prot time_m12 38.1462 0.7069
Prot time_m18 40.4802 0.7811
Prot time_m24 40.5086 0.8304
Prot time_m6 29.4635 0.5494

Pairwise comparisons (Tukey multiple-test correction)

contrast time estimate SE df t.ratio p.value
Control - Prot time_m6 1.9228 1.3407 1552 1.4342 0.1517
Control - Prot time_m12 0.8973 1.2703 1552 0.7064 0.4801
Control - Prot time_m18 2.3693 1.2765 1552 1.8561 0.0636
Control - Prot time_m24 1.2854 1.4217 1552 0.9041 0.3661


Factor Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
group 1 143.8548 143.8548 3.7114 0.0542
time 3 8102.349 2700.783 69.6789 < 0.0001
group:time 3 269.4375 89.8125 2.3171 0.0739
Residuals 1454 56357.6195 38.7604 NA NA


group time mean SE
Control time_m12 45.1358 0.3568
Control time_m18 44.6654 0.401
Control time_m24 40.5988 0.5568
Control time_m6 39.2211 0.3751
Prot time_m12 43.7483 0.5226
Prot time_m18 43.3352 0.541
Prot time_m24 41.5263 0.6399
Prot time_m6 39.0889 0.4782

Pairwise comparisons (Tukey multiple-test correction)

contrast time estimate SE df t.ratio p.value
Control - Prot time_m6 0.1322 0.6463 1454 0.2045 0.838
Control - Prot time_m12 1.3876 0.6374 1454 2.177 0.0296
Control - Prot time_m18 1.3302 0.6829 1454 1.9479 0.0516
Control - Prot time_m24 -0.9274 0.788 1454 -1.177 0.2394

See our ITP data portal page for more information on National Institute on Aging's Interventions Testing Program (ITP) including bibliography, data set downloads, and links to all available hosted data.