ITP phenotypes:   body weight     nicotinamide riboside

Trial code: NR Dose: 1000 ppm   initiated at age: 8 mo Sex: f Cohort: C2016
Trial code: NR Dose: 1000 ppm   initiated at age: 8 mo Sex: m Cohort: C2016
The plots below show the means with ± SEM error bars


Factor Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
group 1 212.1786 212.1786 3.0349 0.0818
time 3 26120.1174 8706.7058 124.5356 < 0.0001
group:time 3 104.853 34.951 0.4999 0.6824
Residuals 1123 78512.7614 69.9134 NA NA


group time mean SE
Control time_m12 41.4571 0.5573
Control time_m18 45.6604 0.6419
Control time_m24 44.8555 0.7746
Control time_m6 33.1995 0.4124
NR time_m12 40.2632 0.8759
NR time_m18 44.3821 0.9944
NR time_m24 43.2803 1.1434
NR time_m6 33.3529 0.6029

Pairwise comparisons (Tukey multiple-test correction)

comparison time estimate SE df t.ratio p.value
Control - NR time_m6 -0.1533 1.0646 1123 -0.144 0.8855
Control - NR time_m12 1.1939 1.0661 1123 1.1199 0.263
Control - NR time_m18 1.2782 1.0817 1123 1.1817 0.2376
Control - NR time_m24 1.5752 1.1785 1123 1.3366 0.1816


Factor Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
group 1 0.6218 0.6218 0.0136 0.9071
time 3 9647.44 3215.8133 70.4261 < 0.0001
group:time 3 190.8829 63.6276 1.3934 0.243
Residuals 1951 89087.0102 45.6622 NA NA


group time mean SE
Control time_m12 45.5251 0.3571
Control time_m18 46.4913 0.3832
Control time_m24 43.8836 0.5016
Control time_m6 40.4271 0.3208
NR time_m12 45.2511 0.4604
NR time_m18 45.6108 0.5258
NR time_m24 44.3427 0.6986
NR time_m6 41.2183 0.4373

Pairwise comparisons (Tukey multiple-test correction)

comparison time estimate SE df t.ratio p.value
Control - NR time_m6 -0.7912 0.5941 1951 -1.3319 0.1831
Control - NR time_m12 0.274 0.6083 1951 0.4504 0.6525
Control - NR time_m18 0.8805 0.6486 1951 1.3575 0.1748
Control - NR time_m24 -0.4591 0.7599 1951 -0.6042 0.5458

See our ITP data portal page for more information on National Institute on Aging's Interventions Testing Program (ITP) including bibliography, data set downloads, and links to all available hosted data.