ITP phenotypes:   body weight     metformin and rapamycin

Trial code: MetRapa Dose: Met:1000 ppm and Rapa:14 ppm   initiated at age: 9 mo Sex: f Cohort: C2011
Trial code: MetRapa Dose: Met:1000 ppm and Rapa:14 ppm   initiated at age: 9 mo Sex: m Cohort: C2011
The plots below show the means with ± SEM error bars


Factor Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
group 1 2019.8261 2019.8261 14.3054 0.0002
time 3 27585.496 9195.1653 65.1245 < 0.0001
group:time 3 644.128 214.7093 1.5207 0.2073
Residuals 1621 228874.8816 141.1936 NA NA


group time mean SE
Control time_m12 39.0436 0.5318
Control time_m18 42.8495 0.609
Control time_m24 41.7939 0.6595
Control time_m6 31.3862 1.2574
MetRapa time_m12 37.6268 0.6927
MetRapa time_m18 38.7712 0.7237
MetRapa time_m24 38.4075 0.6782
MetRapa time_m6 30.4891 0.5252

Pairwise comparisons (Tukey multiple-test correction)

contrast time estimate SE df t.ratio p.value
Control - MetRapa time_m6 0.8971 1.2388 1621 0.7241 0.4691
Control - MetRapa time_m12 1.4168 1.2191 1621 1.1621 0.2454
Control - MetRapa time_m18 4.0782 1.2307 1621 3.3137 0.0009
Control - MetRapa time_m24 3.3864 1.2934 1621 2.6183 0.0089


Factor Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
group 1 1875.1033 1875.1033 50.9779 < 0.0001
time 3 7357.5579 2452.5193 66.676 < 0.0001
group:time 3 645.301 215.1003 5.8479 0.0006
Residuals 1498 55100.4093 36.7826 NA NA


group time mean SE
Control time_m12 45.1358 0.3568
Control time_m18 44.6654 0.401
Control time_m24 40.5988 0.5568
Control time_m6 39.2211 0.3751
MetRapa time_m12 42.6186 0.4868
MetRapa time_m18 40.8597 0.4741
MetRapa time_m24 38.2925 0.4904
MetRapa time_m6 39.0712 0.4634

Pairwise comparisons (Tukey multiple-test correction)

contrast time estimate SE df t.ratio p.value
Control - MetRapa time_m6 0.1499 0.6138 1498 0.2443 0.8071
Control - MetRapa time_m12 2.5172 0.6209 1498 4.0542 0.0001
Control - MetRapa time_m18 3.8057 0.6479 1498 5.8735 < 0.0001
Control - MetRapa time_m24 2.3063 0.724 1498 3.1855 0.0015

See our ITP data portal page for more information on National Institute on Aging's Interventions Testing Program (ITP) including bibliography, data set downloads, and links to all available hosted data.