ITP phenotypes:   body weight     3-(3-hydroxybenzyl)-5-methylbenzo[d]oxazol-2(3H)-one

Trial code: MIF098 Dose: 240 ppm   initiated at age: 8 mo Sex: f Cohort: C2016
Trial code: MIF098 Dose: 240 ppm   initiated at age: 8 mo Sex: m Cohort: C2016
The plots below show the means with ± SEM error bars


Factor Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
group 1 832.6369 832.6369 11.9447 0.0006
time 3 24710.2545 8236.7515 118.1616 < 0.0001
group:time 3 429.5748 143.1916 2.0542 0.1046
Residuals 1120 78072.4197 69.7075 NA NA


group time mean SE
Control time_m12 41.4571 0.5573
Control time_m18 45.6604 0.6419
Control time_m24 44.8555 0.7746
Control time_m6 33.1995 0.4124
MIF098 time_m12 40.2989 0.9342
MIF098 time_m18 43.2824 0.9665
MIF098 time_m24 40.8246 1.048
MIF098 time_m6 32.9466 0.6754

Pairwise comparisons (Tukey multiple-test correction)

comparison time estimate SE df t.ratio p.value
Control - MIF098 time_m6 0.2529 1.0587 1120 0.2389 0.8112
Control - MIF098 time_m12 1.1583 1.0602 1120 1.0925 0.2749
Control - MIF098 time_m18 2.378 1.0756 1120 2.211 0.0272
Control - MIF098 time_m24 4.0309 1.2146 1120 3.3186 0.0009


Factor Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
group 1 202.7077 202.7077 4.5042 0.0339
time 3 11051.9469 3683.9823 81.8593 < 0.0001
group:time 3 30.9228 10.3076 0.229 0.8762
Residuals 1966 88477.4973 45.0038 NA NA


group time mean SE
Control time_m12 45.5251 0.3571
Control time_m18 46.4913 0.3832
Control time_m24 43.8836 0.5016
Control time_m6 40.4271 0.3208
MIF098 time_m12 45.0221 0.4672
MIF098 time_m18 45.4994 0.4791
MIF098 time_m24 42.9051 0.6332
MIF098 time_m6 40.0071 0.4391

Pairwise comparisons (Tukey multiple-test correction)

comparison time estimate SE df t.ratio p.value
Control - MIF098 time_m6 0.4199 0.5907 1966 0.7108 0.4773
Control - MIF098 time_m12 0.503 0.6116 1966 0.8224 0.4109
Control - MIF098 time_m18 0.9919 0.639 1966 1.5522 0.1208
Control - MIF098 time_m24 0.9785 0.7179 1966 1.363 0.173

See our ITP data portal page for more information on National Institute on Aging's Interventions Testing Program (ITP) including bibliography, data set downloads, and links to all available hosted data.