ITP phenotypes:   grip duration     acarbose

Trial code: ACA_mid Dose: 1000 ppm   initiated at age: 4 mo Sex: f Cohort: C2013
Trial code: ACA_mid Dose: 1000 ppm   initiated at age: 4 mo Sex: m Cohort: C2013
The plots below show the means with ± SEM error bars

Forelimbs — Females


Factor Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
group 2 4008.2221 2004.111 0.4067 0.6674
Residuals 71 349877.2163 4927.8481 NA NA


group mean SE
Old_ACA_mid 232.2143 12.6665
Old_Control 235.2 13.7052
Young_Control 217.33 16.7405

Pairwise comparisons (Tukey multiple-test correction)

contrast estimate SE df t.ratio p.value
Old_ACA_mid - Old_Control -2.9857 19.1188 71 -0.1562 0.9866
Old_ACA_mid - Young_Control 14.8843 20.5521 71 0.7242 0.75
Old_Control - Young_Control 17.87 20.8788 71 0.8559 0.6697

All limbs — Females


Factor Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
group 2 23626.8496 11813.4248 1.5936 0.2104
Residuals 71 526323.719 7413.0101 NA NA


group mean SE
Old_ACA_mid 362.1571 17.4122
Old_Control 350.0923 16.7498
Young_Control 317.82 17.3778

Pairwise comparisons (Tukey multiple-test correction)

contrast estimate SE df t.ratio p.value
Old_ACA_mid - Old_Control 12.0648 23.4492 71 0.5145 0.8645
Old_ACA_mid - Young_Control 44.3371 25.2072 71 1.7589 0.1909
Old_Control - Young_Control 32.2723 25.6079 71 1.2602 0.4222

Forelimbs — Males


Factor Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
group 2 5638.3216 2819.1608 0.8027 0.4526
Residuals 63 221264.096 3512.1285 NA NA


group mean SE
Old_ACA_mid 119.7733 14.3541
Old_Control 96.1867 9.4097
Young_Control 114.2 7.4667

Pairwise comparisons (Tukey multiple-test correction)

contrast estimate SE df t.ratio p.value
Old_ACA_mid - Old_Control 23.5867 18.7407 63 1.2586 0.4237
Old_ACA_mid - Young_Control 5.5733 16.8616 63 0.3305 0.9416
Old_Control - Young_Control -18.0133 20.0346 63 -0.8991 0.6429

All limbs — Males


Factor Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
group 2 5487.2062 2743.6031 3.4024 0.0395
Residuals 63 50800.995 806.365 NA NA


group mean SE
Old_ACA_mid 83.4 5.2027
Old_Control 65.6933 6.8727
Young_Control 90.3143 6.4241

Pairwise comparisons (Tukey multiple-test correction)

contrast estimate SE df t.ratio p.value
Old_ACA_mid - Old_Control 17.7067 8.9798 63 1.9718 0.1276
Old_ACA_mid - Young_Control -6.9143 8.0794 63 -0.8558 0.6699
Old_Control - Young_Control -24.621 9.5998 63 -2.5647 0.0336

See our ITP data portal page for more information on National Institute on Aging's Interventions Testing Program (ITP) including bibliography, data set downloads, and links to all available hosted data.