Genes and genomic regions

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349 genes found. Result truncated to 200 rows.
Gene symbol Chromo-
Coordinates (bp, mm10) Size (bp) Strand Feature Type Gene name
Maats1 16 38297754 to 38341860 44106 - protein coding gene MYCBP-associated, testis expressed 1
Maats1os 16 38302616 to 38305020 2404 + antisense lncRNA gene MYCBP-associated, testis expressed 1, opposite strand
Mab21l1 3 55782510 to 55785001 2491 + protein coding gene mab-21-like 1
Mab21l2 3 86545581 to 86548283 2702 - protein coding gene mab-21-like 2
Mab21l3 3 101813076 to 101836726 23650 - protein coding gene mab-21-like 3
Mab21l4 1 93151349 to 93160948 9599 - protein coding gene mab-21-like 4
Macc1 12 119390398 to 119466934 76536 + protein coding gene metastasis associated in colon cancer 1
Macdq1 12 syntenic QTL marginal cell density QTL 1
Macf1 4 123349633 to 123684360 334727 - protein coding gene microtubule-actin crosslinking factor 1
Maco1 4 134802759 to 134853345 50586 - protein coding gene macoilin 1
Macrod1 19 7056768 to 7198061 141293 + protein coding gene MACRO domain containing 1
Macrod2 2 140395356 to 142392966 1997610 + protein coding gene MACRO domain containing 2
Macrod2os1 2 141230431 to 141286991 56560 - antisense lncRNA gene MACRO domain containing 2, opposite strand 1
Macrod2os2 2 141229670 to 141235426 5756 - antisense lncRNA gene MACRO domain containing 2, opposite strand 2
Mad1l1 5 140008689 to 140321552 312863 - protein coding gene MAD1 mitotic arrest deficient 1-like 1
Mad2l1 6 66535226 to 66541109 5883 + protein coding gene MAD2 mitotic arrest deficient-like 1
Mad2l1bp 17 46147385 to 46153551 6166 - protein coding gene MAD2L1 binding protein
Mad2l2 4 148130384 to 148145699 15315 + protein coding gene MAD2 mitotic arrest deficient-like 2
Madcam1 10 79664559 to 79668537 3978 + protein coding gene mucosal vascular addressin cell adhesion molecule 1
Madd 2 91137360 to 91183837 46477 - protein coding gene MAP-kinase activating death domain
Maea 5 33335572 to 33373294 37722 + protein coding gene macrophage erythroblast attacher
Mael 1 166201385 to 166238744 37359 - protein coding gene maelstrom spermatogenic transposon silencer
Maf 8 115703253 to 115706894 3641 - protein coding gene avian musculoaponeurotic fibrosarcoma oncogene homolog
Maf1 15 76351294 to 76354378 3084 + protein coding gene MAF1 homolog, negative regulator of RNA polymerase III
Mafa 15 75746843 to 75747922 1079 - protein coding gene v-maf musculoaponeurotic fibrosarcoma oncogene family, protein A (avian)
Mafb 2 160363703 to 160367065 3362 - protein coding gene v-maf musculoaponeurotic fibrosarcoma oncogene family, protein B (avian)
Maff 15 79346621 to 79359076 12455 + protein coding gene v-maf musculoaponeurotic fibrosarcoma oncogene family, protein F (avian)
Mafg 11 120625117 to 120633547 8430 - protein coding gene v-maf musculoaponeurotic fibrosarcoma oncogene family, protein G (avian)
Mafk 5 139791536 to 139802653 11117 + protein coding gene v-maf musculoaponeurotic fibrosarcoma oncogene family, protein K (avian)
Mag 7 30899176 to 30914873 15697 - protein coding gene myelin-associated glycoprotein
Magea1 X 155088686 to 155089793 1107 - protein coding gene melanoma antigen, family A, 1
Magea10 X 72381870 to 72386858 4988 - protein coding gene melanoma antigen family A, 10
Magea2 X 155027201 to 155033313 6112 - protein coding gene melanoma antigen, family A, 2
Magea3 X 154948543 to 154949505 962 - protein coding gene melanoma antigen, family A, 3
Magea4 X 72222017 to 72222964 947 + protein coding gene melanoma antigen, family A, 4
Magea5 X 155053061 to 155063145 10084 - protein coding gene melanoma antigen, family A, 5
Magea6 X 154924012 to 154935987 11975 - protein coding gene melanoma antigen, family A, 6
Magea7-ps X 76347393 to 76347635 242 + pseudogene melanoma antigen, family A, 7, pseudogene
Magea8 X 154985775 to 154995850 10075 - protein coding gene melanoma antigen, family A, 8
Magea9-ps X 72869518 to 72870174 656 + pseudogene melanoma antigen, family A, 9, pseudogene
Mageac1 X syntenic unclassified other genome feature melanoma antigen family A cluster 1
Mageb1 X 92015191 to 92016333 1142 - protein coding gene melanoma antigen, family B, 1
Mageb10-ps X 86299922 to 86301328 1406 - pseudogene melanoma antigen, family B, 10, pseudogene
Mageb16 X 79623231 to 79671435 48204 - protein coding gene melanoma antigen family B, 16
Mageb16-ps1 X 144555211 to 144556337 1126 - pseudogene melanoma antigen family B, 16, pseudogene 1
Mageb16-ps2 6 60769967 to 60771059 1092 - pseudogene melanoma antigen family B, 16, pseudogene 2
Mageb17-ps X 91625395 to 91626313 918 + pseudogene melanoma antigen family B, 17, pseudogene
Mageb18 X 92118879 to 92599572 480693 - protein coding gene melanoma antigen family B, 18
Mageb2 X 91331905 to 91332897 992 + protein coding gene melanoma antigen, family B, 2
Mageb3 2 121953771 to 121956092 2321 - protein coding gene melanoma antigen, family B, 3
Mageb4 X 86250256 to 86256219 5963 - protein coding gene melanoma antigen, family B, 4
Mageb5 X 91779608 to 91782976 3368 - protein coding gene melanoma antigen, family B, 5
Mageb6-ps X 86370799 to 86371830 1031 - pseudogene melanoma antigen, family B, 6, pseudogene
Mageb7-ps X 86398203 to 86399243 1040 - pseudogene melanoma antigen, family B, 7, pseudogene
Mageb8-ps X 86327943 to 86328935 992 - pseudogene melanoma antigen, family B, 8, pseudogene
Mageb9 UN syntenic unclassified gene melanoma antigen, family B, 9
Maged1 X 94535474 to 94542074 6600 - protein coding gene melanoma antigen, family D, 1
Maged2 X 150806421 to 150814340 7919 - protein coding gene melanoma antigen, family D, 2
Magee1 X 105120378 to 105123927 3549 + protein coding gene melanoma antigen, family E, 1
Magee2 X 104854952 to 104857267 2315 - protein coding gene melanoma antigen, family E, 2
Magef1 16 21331902 to 21333356 1454 - pseudogene melanoma antigen family F, 1
Mageh1 X 153036166 to 153037563 1397 - protein coding gene melanoma antigen, family H, 1
Magel2 7 62377010 to 62381640 4630 + protein coding gene melanoma antigen, family L, 2
Magi1 6 93675455 to 94283917 608462 - protein coding gene membrane associated guanylate kinase, WW and PDZ domain containing 1
Magi2 5 19227036 to 20704792 1477756 + protein coding gene membrane associated guanylate kinase, WW and PDZ domain containing 2
Magi3 3 104013259 to 104220374 207115 - protein coding gene membrane associated guanylate kinase, WW and PDZ domain containing 3
Magix X 7673166 to 7681251 8085 - protein coding gene MAGI family member, X-linked
Magoh 4 107879755 to 107887424 7669 + protein coding gene mago homolog, exon junction complex core component
Magohb 6 131284389 to 131293244 8855 - protein coding gene mago homolog B, exon junction complex core component
Magt1 X 105968084 to 106011899 43815 - protein coding gene magnesium transporter 1
Mahl 10 syntenic QTL modifier of age related hearing loss
Maip1 1 57406548 to 57415958 9410 + protein coding gene matrix AAA peptidase interacting protein 1
Majin 19 6184388 to 6224225 39837 + protein coding gene membrane anchored junction protein
Mak 13 41025008 to 41079706 54698 - protein coding gene male germ cell-associated kinase
Mak16 8 31159468 to 31168724 9256 - protein coding gene MAK16 homolog
Mal 2 127633226 to 127656695 23469 - protein coding gene myelin and lymphocyte protein, T cell differentiation protein
Mal1 1 syntenic heritable phenotypic marker malaria resistance
Mal2 15 54571366 to 54602846 31480 + protein coding gene mal, T cell differentiation protein 2
Malat1 19 5795690 to 5802671 6981 - lincRNA gene metastasis associated lung adenocarcinoma transcript 1 (non-coding RNA)
malf UN syntenic heritable phenotypic marker malformed ear
Mall 2 127704390 to 127729897 25507 - protein coding gene mal, T cell differentiation protein-like
Malrd1 2 15526479 to 16255555 729076 + protein coding gene MAM and LDL receptor class A domain containing 1
Malsu1 6 49073795 to 49086751 12956 + protein coding gene mitochondrial assembly of ribosomal large subunit 1
Malt1 18 65430962 to 65478823 47861 + protein coding gene MALT1 paracaspase
Mamdc2 19 23302609 to 23448322 145713 - protein coding gene MAM domain containing 2
Mamdc4 2 25563112 to 25572158 9046 - protein coding gene MAM domain containing 4
Maml1 11 50255634 to 50292311 36677 - protein coding gene mastermind like transcriptional coactivator 1
Maml2 9 13297957 to 13709388 411431 + protein coding gene mastermind like transcriptional coactivator 2
Maml3 3 51687320 to 52105086 417766 - protein coding gene mastermind like transcriptional coactivator 3
Mamld1 X 71050256 to 71156056 105800 + protein coding gene mastermind-like domain containing 1
Mamstr 7 45639977 to 45646521 6544 + protein coding gene MEF2 activating motif and SAP domain containing transcriptional regulator
Man1a 10 53904785 to 54076547 171762 - protein coding gene mannosidase 1, alpha
Man1a2 3 100562203 to 100685473 123270 - protein coding gene mannosidase, alpha, class 1A, member 2
Man1b1 2 25332743 to 25352213 19470 + protein coding gene mannosidase, alpha, class 1B, member 1
Man1b-rs 4 syntenic unclassified other genome feature mannosidase 1, beta, related sequence
Man1c1 4 134561690 to 134704290 142600 - protein coding gene mannosidase, alpha, class 1C, member 1
Man2a1 17 64601649 to 64755110 153461 + protein coding gene mannosidase 2, alpha 1
Man2a2 7 80349097 to 80371375 22278 - protein coding gene mannosidase 2, alpha 2
Man2b1 8 85083270 to 85098282 15012 + protein coding gene mannosidase 2, alpha B1
Man2b2 5 36806921 to 36830653 23732 - protein coding gene mannosidase 2, alpha B2
Man2c1 9 57130690 to 57142722 12032 + protein coding gene mannosidase, alpha, class 2C, member 1
Man2c1os 9 57129982 to 57131290 1308 - antisense lncRNA gene mannosidase, alpha, class 2C, member 1, opposite strand
Manba 3 135485611 to 135571404 85793 + protein coding gene mannosidase, beta A, lysosomal
Manbal 2 157367594 to 157396763 29169 + protein coding gene mannosidase, beta A, lysosomal-like
Mancq1 1 syntenic QTL myeloperoxidase-specific anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic autoantibody QTL 1
Mancq2 10 syntenic QTL myeloperoxidase-specific anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic autoantibody QTL 2
Manea 4 26324506 to 26346652 22146 - protein coding gene mannosidase, endo-alpha
Maneal 4 124855239 to 124862171 6932 - protein coding gene mannosidase, endo-alpha-like
Manf 9 106887415 to 106891938 4523 - protein coding gene mesencephalic astrocyte-derived neurotrophic factor
Manh1 1 syntenic QTL mandible shape 1
Manh10 7 syntenic QTL mandible shape 10
Manh11 9 syntenic QTL mandible shape 11
Manh12 9 syntenic QTL mandible shape 12
Manh13 10 syntenic QTL mandible shape 13
Manh14 10 syntenic QTL mandible shape 14
Manh15 11 syntenic QTL mandible shape 15
Manh16 11 syntenic QTL mandible shape 16
Manh17 12 syntenic QTL mandible shape 17
Manh18 12 syntenic QTL mandible shape 18
Manh19 13 syntenic QTL mandible shape 19
Manh2 1 syntenic QTL mandible shape 2
Manh20 14 syntenic QTL mandible shape 20
Manh21 15 syntenic QTL mandible shape 21
Manh22 15 syntenic QTL mandible shape 22
Manh23 16 syntenic QTL mandible shape 23
Manh24 18 syntenic QTL mandible shape 24
Manh25 19 syntenic QTL mandible shape 25
Manh26 1 syntenic QTL mandible shape 26
Manh27 2 syntenic QTL mandible shape 27
Manh28 3 syntenic QTL mandible shape 28
Manh29 3 syntenic QTL mandible shape 29
Manh3 2 syntenic QTL mandible shape 3
Manh30 4 syntenic QTL mandible shape 30
Manh31 4 syntenic QTL mandible shape 31
Manh32 5 syntenic QTL mandible shape 32
Manh33 5 syntenic QTL mandible shape 33
Manh34 6 syntenic QTL mandible shape 34
Manh35 6 syntenic QTL mandible shape 35
Manh36 7 syntenic QTL mandible shape 36
Manh37 8 syntenic QTL mandible shape 37
Manh38 9 syntenic QTL mandible shape 38
Manh39 10 syntenic QTL mandible shape 39
Manh4 3 syntenic QTL mandible shape 4
Manh40 10 syntenic QTL mandible shape 40
Manh41 11 syntenic QTL mandible shape 41
Manh42 11 syntenic QTL mandible shape 42
Manh43 11 syntenic QTL mandible shape 43
Manh44 12 syntenic QTL mandible shape 44
Manh45 13 syntenic QTL mandible shape 45
Manh46 15 syntenic QTL mandible shape 46
Manh47 16 syntenic QTL mandible shape 47
Manh48 17 syntenic QTL mandible shape 48
Manh5 4 syntenic QTL mandible shape 5
Manh6 5 syntenic QTL mandible shape 6
Manh7 6 syntenic QTL mandible shape 7
Manh8 6 syntenic QTL mandible shape 8
Manh9 7 syntenic QTL mandible shape 9
Manln1 1 syntenic QTL mandible length 1
Manln10 11 syntenic QTL mandible length 10
Manln11 11 syntenic QTL mandible length 11
Manln12 11 syntenic QTL mandible length 12
Manln13 13 syntenic QTL mandible length 13
Manln14 13 syntenic QTL mandible length 14
Manln15 14 syntenic QTL mandible length 15
Manln16 14 syntenic QTL mandible length 16
Manln17 15 syntenic QTL mandible length 17
Manln18 17 syntenic QTL mandible length 18
Manln19 19 syntenic QTL mandible length 19
Manln2 2 syntenic QTL mandible length 2
Manln3 3 69718176 to 69718412 236 QTL mandible length 3
Manln4 4 syntenic QTL mandible length 4
Manln5 4 syntenic QTL mandible length 5
Manln6 6 syntenic QTL mandible length 6
Manln7 7 syntenic QTL mandible length 7
Manln8 7 syntenic QTL mandible length 8
Manln9 10 syntenic QTL mandible length 9
Mannr 3 29891017 to 29924191 33174 + lincRNA gene Mecom adjacent non-protein coding RNA
Manr1 1 syntenic QTL multiple analgesic response 1
Mansc1 6 134609207 to 134632488 23281 - protein coding gene MANSC domain containing 1
Mansc4 6 147075062 to 147087032 11970 - protein coding gene MANSC domain containing 4
Many1 10 syntenic QTL mandible asymmetry 1
Many2 11 syntenic QTL mandible asymmetry 2
Many3 5 syntenic QTL mandible asymmetry 3
Many4 15 syntenic QTL mandible asymmetry 4
Many5 12 syntenic QTL mandible asymmetry 5
Manz1 2 syntenic QTL mandible size 1
Manz10 14 syntenic QTL mandible size 10
Manz11 15 syntenic QTL mandible size 11
Manz12 17 syntenic QTL mandible size 12
Manz2 3 syntenic QTL mandible size 2
Manz3 4 syntenic QTL mandible size 3
Manz4 6 syntenic QTL mandible size 4
Manz5 7 syntenic QTL mandible size 5
Manz6 10 syntenic QTL mandible size 6
Manz7 11 syntenic QTL mandible size 7
Manz8 11 syntenic QTL mandible size 8
Manz9 13 syntenic QTL mandible size 9
Maoa X 16619698 to 16687812 68114 + protein coding gene monoamine oxidase A
Maob X 16709282 to 16817366 108084 - protein coding gene monoamine oxidase B
Map1 5 syntenic heritable phenotypic marker mannosidase processing 1