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What Does This Nomenclature Mean?
Strain #:005761
Common Name: B6.PWD-mt
The mitochondrial genome from PWD/Ph has been introduced into C57BL/6J in this conplastic strain with C57BL/6J as background.
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  • A confirmation will be sent after order placement.
  • Typically, eight or more animals are produced.
  • The total number, sex and genotypes will be provided to you prior to scheduling shipment.
  • Additional breeding may be required to produce the genotype(s) of interest
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How it's Made

Strain Highlights
Strain Type
Originating Article
Originating Article
Info When using the B6.PWD-mt mouse strain in a publication, please cite the originating article(s) and include JAX stock #005761 in your Materials and Methods section.

Detailed Description
This strain represents one of a panel of inter-species chromosome substitution (or consomic) strains (IC-ISS). Each strain carries a chromosome from the Mus musculus musculus wild-derived strain PWD/Ph introgressed into a Mus musculus domesticus C57BL/6J background. The two species are believed to have diverged 350,000 to one million years ago and exhibit multiple genetic and phenotypic differences. The strain set also includes a conplastic strain (mtPWD/Ph) created by sequential backcrossing of the donor female to the host male. A conplastic strain carries the mitochondrial genome of the donor strain. The IC-ISS strains represent a tool for dissection of quantitative trait loci.

Dr. Jiri Forejt from The Institute of Molecular Genetics, Prague, Czech Republic developed the C57BL/6J-mtPWD/Ph/ForeJ conplastic strain by sequential backcrossing of the PWD/Ph donor female to the C57BL/6J host male (See SNP note below). A conplastic strain carries the mitochondrial genome of the donor strain. The set was donated to The Jackson Laboratory in 2005.

A 32 SNP (single nucleotide polymorphism) panel analysis, with 27 markers covering all 19 chromosomes and the X chromosome, as well as 5 markers that distinguish between the C57BL/6J and C57BL/6N substrains, was performed on the rederived living colony at The Jackson Laboratory Repository. While the 27 markers throughout the genome suggested a C57BL/6 genetic background, 1 of 5 markers that determine C57BL/6J from C57BL/6N were found to be segregating. These data suggest the mice sent to The Jackson Laboratory Repository were on a mixed C57BL/6J ; C57BL/6N genetic background.

Genetic Background
000664 C57BL/6J
Generation Definitions >

(Last Updated: March 9th 2011)

How it's Used

JAX Physiological Data

Mouse consomic strains: exploiting genetic divergence between Mus m. musculus and Mus m. domesticus subspecies.
Gregorova S , et al.
Genome Res 18(3):509-15

When using the B6.PWD-mt mouse strain in a publication, please cite the originating article(s) and include JAX stock #005761 in your Materials and Methods section.


Suggested Controls

Genotyping Protocols
Genotyping Resources and Troubleshooting >
No molecular genotyping assay is available for this strain. A visible phenotype can be used to confirm the genotype of animals from this strain. Progeny testing may be required to produce animals with a phenotype.

Animal Health Reports

Breeding Considerations
Additional Breeding and Husbandry Support >
When maintaining a live colony, homozygous mice may be bred together.


Related Genotype: a/a